
I want to ship something

Looking to send your shipments at the best prices? FreightPlatform helps you quickly find the best offers with competitive quotes and detailed information. Place your order today for free and enjoy fast, cost-effective shipping solutions!

I have room for transport

Want to receive notifications when new freight orders are open for bidding? FreightPlatform sends you alerts for orders that match your capacity, allowing you to place competitive offers and secure extra business. Don’t miss out—place your bids here and maximize your revenue!

Why Choose Us

What Sets Us Apart

All Your Shipments in 1 System

Looking for a digital tool that helps you on your daily transport? FreightPlatform allows you on creating an own account where you have all your shipments registered in 1 system.

Competitive Rates

Always trust on the best rates for your transport or gaining more profit to pick up extra freight on your way back to the warehouse. FreightPlatform is the tool to help you on receiving the best quotations or improving your profit.

Convenient and transparent

FreightPlatform is 100% user friendly and created by professionals from the logistics industry. Fully transparent and convenient for everybody to use.

Free Subscription

Creating an account is completely free of charge and always having the intention to get you the best quotation or helps you on more profit. Either way fully accessible for every user that wants to create an account. .

Advance Technology

FreightPlatform is using the latest techniques and live time bidding on assignments. Preferences on any freight or availability on a variety of transport is detailed on the platform and adapted to your needs.

Climate Friendly

As we’re also focusing on ESG, we are aiming on carriers that are returning to their warehouse with an empty transport. In this way, the pickup is more climate friendly and helps you save on your transport expenses.